Protesters denounce Trump, Aug. 8. Aug. 8 — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gave what the big-business-owned press dubbed “a major economic policy speech” in Detroit today. Trump, who was hosted by the Detroit Economic Club, spoke to 1,500 people at Cobo Hall. A thousand protesters of Trump’s hate and racism converged outside the downtown convention center. They included union members from the United Auto Workers; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; Michigan Education Association; and American Federation of Teachers; among others. It was a multinational, multigender gathering of protesters young and old. Activists with Workers World Party and FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together) youth organization led militant chants throughout the demonstration. When one of less than a handful of Trump supporters unfurled a Confederate flag — a hated symbol of racism and slavery — a FIST member quickly tore it from his hands. Revolutionaries denounced Trump and the racist, fascist movement he has aroused and called for socialism. Workers World newspapers were distributed, as were palm cards inviting people to hear WWP presidential candidate Monica Moorehead in Detroit on Sept. 10. Despite a heavy police presence, protesters were not confined to the outside. About two dozen people . . .
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